Our Services

Below is a listing of our services that we offer to our community. Click on the service boxes below to explore more about each service.

Employment Assistance

Our mission is to connect immigrants and refugees in South King County with high paying jobs. Our case managers help guide our clients through the American system to employment, preparing them for success with training and cultural knowledge along the way.

Click to learn more. 

Homelessness Prevention

Partner in Employment works to prevent homelessness to low income youth and families by providing financial assistance, counseling, and other additional housing stabilization services to keep families from being evicted, losing their homes, or becoming homeless.

Click to learn more. 

Youth Programs

We help immigrant and refugee youth ages 16 to 24 receive skills training, education services, and case management to deepen education and employment opportunities and ensure a pathway for school to life success.

Click to learn more. 

Social Services

We work remove  barriers to employment by providing wrap around social services. Our staff helps immigrants and refugees with everything from providing rental and transportation assistance, translating housing applications, to teaching people how to ride a bus and go grocery shopping.

Click to learn more. 

ESL Classes

English is a one of the main barriers to economic stability for  refugees, Immigrants and asylees seeking a new life in the United States. Partner in Employment helps them adapt and thrive in the U.S. by offering an English class through our English as a Second Language (ESL) program.

Click to learn more.

Know Your Rights

Partner in Employment believes all workers should be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace. The immigrant and refugee community is most vulnerable to workplace violations and we are working to empower our community to understand and exercise their workplace rights.

Click to learn more.


Support Our Work!

Your gift to Partner in Employment is an investment in the economic stability of refugees and immigrants. Your gift will help provide employment services, rental assistance, English classes, case management services and services for the youth.